Adult Collection

What are you looking for? We have it!

  • Hot Reads — 2nd copies of popular titles, these books cannot be reserved or renewed. They are available only to those who come into the library to browse, both fiction and non-fiction. 2 week loan period.
  • New Books — books published in last 6 months, includes fiction, non-fiction, biographies and mysteries including Large Print in each category. Everything in this section has received starred reviews, awards, or multiple patron requests. 3 week loan period.
  • Fiction — Hardcover and paperback formats are interfiled here. 3 week loan period.
  • Mystery — We separate our Mystery from regular Fiction. 3 week loan period.
  • Large Print —  items are shelved altogether behind the coffee bar in the new wing.
  • Non-fiction —these items are in the new wing.  3 week loan period.
  • Biography — these items are in the new wing. 3 week loan period.
  • Graphic Novels — located according to subject matter in juvenile, YA (teen), and adult areas. 3 week loan period.
  • Reference — these items are currently located at the front of the non-fiction section and can be loaned, for 3 weeks.
  • Music CDs — 3 week loan period.
  • CDs — audio books, both fiction and non-fiction. 3 week loan period.
  • Playaways — self-playing digital audio books, both fiction and non-fiction. Currently located over the Mystery section. 3 week loan period.
  • DVDs — feature films, TV series, foreign films, documentaries, musicals, sports/exercise, and travel collections. A limited number of Blu-rays are also included in this collection. 3 week loan period for all DVDs and Blu-rays–except for new feature films, which are a 1 week loan period.
  • In-Demand DVDs — 2nd copies of popular movies, cannot be placed on hold. 3 day loan period.
  • Magazines — newest magazine in each title cannot be borrowed. Older magazines may be borrowed for a 1 week period. These items are in the Periodicals section in the back of the upper level.
  • Local Newspapers — these items cannot be borrowed. Newspapers are kept for a few weeks or months only, as space allows. These items are in the Periodicals section.
  • NooksNOOKs are pre-loaded with adult fiction and nonfiction, young adult and juvenile summer reading titles and more. 3 week loan. They may be requested through the catalog or by calling the Library. NOOKs must be checked out from and returned in person to the William Jeanes Memorial Library circulation desk, during our open hours.

Adult Programs See below for a variety of recurring programs. All of the programs below are open to anyone, regardless of whether you are a local resident or WJM cardholder. Each program... Learn about all of our Adult Programming here!