Connecting Exceptional People

Connecting Exceptional People (“CEP”) provides services and support for people with disabilities who may have special needs. CEP provides opportunities for people with disabilities to come together in a safe and welcoming environment to pursue friendships, fun, experiences, and resources they would not otherwise find. CEP’s focus is on the whole person so they can be actively engaged, understood, skilled individuals whose personalities are shared with and enjoyed by others.

There are three areas of focus:

Social Opportunities

*Please note that for the foreseeable future all library programs, including CEP, will be virtual.

Connecting Exceptional People Young Adult Socials was created to connect young adults ages 18+ with each other and their community so they can achieve positive, productive, and meaningful adult lives.  William Jeanes Memorial Library (“WJML”), in partnership with Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation (“Parks and Rec”), and community members hold monthly Friday night socials (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.). The socials are theme-oriented and have included such events as dances and talent shows, Robotics Workshop, Mad Science, art and cultural programs, and an annual picnic and lawn games event. Participants are encouraged to bring a dessert to share. The participants and/or their caregivers decide whether an aide or guardian should accompany them.

Please see our monthly calendar for the dates of upcoming socials.

Registration is required. Please email the Registration for Connecting Exceptional People and Liability Waiver and Release to

This program is made possible in part by a grant from CCRES.

Connecting Exceptional People Jr. High Socials was created to connect teens ages 12-17 with their community so they can begin to develop friendships and experiences outside of the school setting. Starting January 2020, socials will take place on the first Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:30pm in the Library’s Community Room.

Participants in the programs also have the opportunity to play board games, color adult coloring pages, or use the Library’s Wii. Refreshments are provided for the first hour of the program. They have full access to the Library after the Library’s regular operating hours. Guardians/aides are required to stay during the program. 

Please see our monthly calendar for the dates of upcoming socials.

This program is made possible in part by a grant from Autism Society of America, Greater Philadelphia Chapter.

Note: CEP Jr. High Socials are on hold at this time.

Both CEP and CEP Jr. High socials are held in partnership with Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation.

Sensory Storytimes are designed for children ages 3 and up and their families/caregivers, and are sensory friendly. This 45-minute storytime is held weekly year-round, on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. All children are welcome, including those with sensory integration disorders and autism spectrum disorders, and those who are neuro-typical. Stories, music, and a sensory activity such as rice bins, water beads, kinetic sand, play dough. Siblings are welcome. Space is limited and registration is required.

Collection Resources

WJML’s staff evaluates the library’s collections frequently. Collections that are of particular appeal to individuals with intellectual or cognitive disabilities and/or their parents or caregivers are constantly updated as newer resources become available. WJML also wants to make certain that people who may not read at (or understand vocabulary at) their age-level have books (or audio) they find appealing without feeling disrespected.

A resource guide is available at the library which provides specific information and contact information for local government agencies and support groups. Please feel free to arrange an appointment with either the Adult Services Librarian, Teen Librarian, and/or Children’s Librarian to help you with your personal selections.

Volunteer Opportunities

WJML values volunteers and finds their contributions essential to the smooth operations of the library. Volunteers contribute thousands of hours each year on tasks that ensure the proper flow of materials in an orderly space. We welcome volunteers of all abilities and skill levels, as there are many different needs and areas of focus where volunteer talent is utilized. Some of the tasks volunteers complete are book processing, shelving, shelf reading, cleaning materials, building maintenance, gardening, and assistance during programs. Volunteers are publicly recognized each year. The annual state report now recognizes their contribution and asks libraries to track and report their contribution in hours.

WJML aims to help develop and utilize skills which have been learned, or can be learned which will benefit our volunteer corps to help foster a complete life experience. The skills the volunteers gain can translate to future volunteer and employment opportunities.

Note: The Library is not hosting in-person volunteers at this time. Please check back in the fall of 2021.

For information about Connecting Exceptional People, contact Mike Lannutti, Program Coordinator, Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation Department, at or (610) 828-7276 x2403.

For information about Sensory Storytimes, contact Rachel Fecho, Children’s Librarian, at or 610-828-0441, ext. 104.


We'll be closing early this evening so that staff and patrons may travel safely ahead of the storm.

Please call the Library or visit the website Wednesday morning before heading over.


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