Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
10:15 am — 11:15 am
Community Room
11:15 am — 11:45 am
There are no events today.
1:00 pm — 2:00 pm
Board Room
Part of our responsibilities as a public library, is to provide you with easy access to community resources.
By clicking here, you will be taken to the townships official page. From there, you will be able to access all township departments, the Board of Supervisors, and pertinent township information such as trash and recycling information, road closings, meeting agendas, committee openings, etc.
To access general information click on the heading above. To go directly to the Governor’s website, click here.
By clicking here, you will be taken to the official site of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Montgomery County PA Legislators. For persons living in Whitemarsh Township, your PA House District is 148 and your PA Senate District is 7.
For inclusive information on the US Government, click on the heading. To access the information on the White House and to contact the President of the United States click here.
For inclusive information on the US Senate, click on the heading link. To contact your PA Senators, click here.
For general information on the US House of Representatives, click on the heading. To contact your PA Representatives, District 7 and District 13, click here then click on “P” for Pennsylvania. Your Congress person will be listed by district number.
By clicking here, you will be taken to the official site for Montgomery County. You will be able to obtain general information, parks and trails information, department information, as well as contact information for your county Commissioners.
Below is a listing of public, private, parochial, and other schools in the area. It is as comprehensive as possible. WJML does not make any recommendations or endorsements.
By clicking here, you will be taken to the school districts general information page. From the homepage, you will be able to navigate to specific schools, the School Board, the district’s administration, and more.
A Roman Catholic parochial school that goes from kindergarten through eighth grade. Click here for more information.
Or Ami Early Childhood Education Center offers classes for children ages two through five. Baby Steps, Toddler and Me and Little Learners classes address the development and activities of children under two. To learn more, click here.
Plymouth Meeting Friends School provides an education based on the Quaker belief that there is God in everyone. The school provides learning opportunities from pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. For more information click here.
Colonial School-Based Programs provide quality extended-day care to children ranging from kindergarten to fifth grade in all Colonial School District elementary schools. For more information, click here.
Flanagan’s is a preschool as well as a before and after school facility. It has three locations in PA. For more information, click here.
Little Munchkins Learning Center is a childcare provider caring for children from infancy through age 5. For more information, click here.
A private nursery school that offers childcare before and after school hours. To learn more, click here.
Carson Valley Children’s Aid is also located at this location. It is dedicated to delivering services to children, youth and families that ensure their safety, build on their strengths, honor their differences and empower them to achieve their goals for success in life. To learn more, click here.
This site provides a myriad of resources on both the state and county levels. For more information, click here.
Sketchbook Sessions For teens who love to draw! Just drop in Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.
Stitching social Sat 1-3: Just drop in!
Coding with Python Thurs @ 6pm, ONLINE for gr 5-8
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We'll be closing early this evening so that staff and patrons may travel safely ahead of the storm.
Please call the Library or visit the website Wednesday morning before heading over.