• What are the library's hours?

    Our current hours are:

    Mondays: 12:00 pm – 8:00 PM

    Tuesdays through Thursdays: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM

    Fridays: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (10 AM – 2 PM from Memorial Day through Labor Day)

    Sundays: 1:00 – 5:00 pm (September through May)

    We also have curbside pickup hours available. Read more about curbside service here.

  • On which holidays is the library closed?

    New Year’s Day

    Easter weekend

    Close at 2 pm on Friday before Memorial Day weekend

    Memorial Day weekend –Saturday through Monday

    Independence Day Weekend

    Labor Day weekend – Saturday through Monday

    Close at 2 pm on Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving and the Friday after

    Christmas Eve

    Christmas Day

    Day after Christmas

    New Year’s Eve

  • Are computers available for public use?


    The library has numerous computers for the public to use free of charge. All public access computers provide access to the Internet as well as office applications. You may not save anything to our computers, but you may attach documents to your email or download them to a flash drive.

    There is a nominal fee for printing (cash only):

    • Photocopies & Printouts B&W (8.5×11) $.15 per page 
    • B&W (8.5×14 & 11×17) $.30 per page 
    • Color (8.5×11) $.50 per page
    • Color (8.5×14, 11×17) $1.00 each

    We also offer free scanning in black-and-white or color at our Public copier. You’ll just need to bring a flash drive. There are instructions located at the machine or any of our staff will be happy to assist you.

  • Does the library have Wi-Fi?

    The library does offer the public free Wi-Fi that can be accessed on any device that has Internet access. Look for WMJNS. No password is required, and you may even pick up our signal from the parking lot!

  • Do you have a photocopier?

    Yes. We currently only accept cash for printing/photocopying.

    • Photocopies & Printouts B&W (8.5×11) $.15 per page 
    • B&W (8.5×14 & 11×17) $.30 per page 
    • Color (8.5×11) $.50 per page
    • Color (8.5×14, 11×17) $1.00 each

    We also offer free scanning in black-and-white or color at our Public copier. You’ll just need to bring a flash drive. There are instructions located at the machine or any of our staff will be happy to assist you.

  • How can I get a library card?

    William Jeanes Memorial Library can issue cards to any Montgomery County resident or any person who works in Whitemarsh Township.

    You can fill out an application online by clicking here or by coming into the library.
    Online forms can be saved and emailed to jeanesinfo@mclinc.org.
    When you pick up your card, you will be asked to present a driver’s license, piece of first class mail, or some other suitable ID with your name and address on it.

    Children under 18 must have a parent’s signature on their application.

    Anyone who is a member of another MCLINC library can use that card at William Jeanes Memorial Library.

    Anyone who lives outside of Montgomery County and has a library card with a Access PA sticker from their home library can register their card at William Jeanes. This includes patrons living in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and other surrounding PA counties. Click here for an online application.

  • Can I renew items?

    Most items may be renewed two times if there is no waiting list for them. They can be renewed at the library, by phone, or online from your library account. A few items, such as the in-demand items, may not be renewed. Please do not hesitate to ask a staff member if you are not sure.

    The William Jeanes Memorial Library now has automatic renewals! Eligible William Jeanes items on your account will renew 3 days prior to the current due date for another full loan period. Contact the library for information on materials which may not automatically renew.

    An item will not automatically renew if:

    • Another library patron has requested it
    • The item has reached its maximum number of renewals (2 renewals for most items)
    • Your account expired
    • The item is an inter-library loan (ILL) from a library outside of MCLINC. (Please contact the library at 610-828-0441 x102 at least 3 days prior to the due date listed on the item to request a renewal.)
    • The item is a digital item, such as an ebook from Overdrive.
  • How can I access the library catalog?

    You can access the catalog here or from the library’s website jeaneslibrary.org.

  • Can I reserve a book?

    You can reserve items at the library, by phone, or through the online catalog from wherever you are. To reserve online, you must create an account.  You will need to have your library card barcode readily available to create an account. You will then be prompted to create a user name and password. Click HERE to create a secure account.

  • How can I create and access an online library account?

    Once you have a library card with your own barcode, you can go HERE to create an account and to view the user’s help guide.

    You will be prompted to input your barcode and create a user name and password.

    Once you have done this, you will have access to your account at anytime from anywhere from the library’s website, jeaneslibrary.org.

    You will be able to see what items you have checked out and their due dates.

    You can renew items, reserve items, pay late fees, view your list of reserved items, and create a history of items you have taken out.


  • How long can I keep out library material?

    Most books (child, teen, and adult): 3 weeksNew adult books: 3 weeks
    Hot Reads-Books: 2 weeks, no renewals
    Music CDs: 3 weeks
    Spoken word CDs and Children’s Kits with CDs: 3 weeks
    Playaways: 3 weeks
    Magazines: 1 weeks (current month does not circulate)
    DVDs and Blu-Rays: 1 week for new titles; 3 weeks for all other titles
    In-Demand DVDs: 3 days; 1 per card
    Video Games: 3 weeks
    Grab & Go Bags: 3 weeks
    American Girl Dolls: 2 weeks, no renewals; 1 per card
    Adventure Packs: 2 weeks
    Museum Passes: 3 days, no renewals, 1 per household
    Book Club in a Bag: 6 weeks, no renewal
    Nook & Kindle E-readers: 3 weeks
    Hotspots: 2 weeks, no renewals
    Ukuleles: 3 weeks, no renewals

  • How many items can I take out?

    *Books, Audiobooks, DVDs, Music CDs, and Magazines : No limit

    *Exception: Limits may apply to holiday books and other items during high-peak demand seasons.

    Museum Passes: Limit 1 per family

    American Girl Doll Kits: Limit 1 per card

    In-Demand DVDs: Limit 1 per card



  • How much are overdue fines?

    Adult Books: fine-free

    Children’s & Teen’s Books and Audiobooks: fine-free

    Adult CDs, Audiobooks: fine-free

    Children’s Music CDs: fine-free

    DVDs: fine-free

    Adult Magazines: fine-free

    Playaways: fine-free

    Video Games: fine-free

    Board Games: $.15/day

    Grab & Go Bags: $5.00/day

    Lawn Games: $5.00/day

    Museum Passes: $5.00/day ($5.00 fee if returned to another library)

    E-readers and Hotspots: $5.00/day ($25.00 fee if dropped in the book drop box)

    American Girl Dolls and Adventure Packs: $5.00


  • How much do you charge for movies?

    All items circulate for free at William Jeanes Memorial Library.

  • Do you have a book drop I can use when the library is closed?

    Yes, you may drop off items in the book drop in the wall at the front of our 4051 Joshua Road building at any time.

    Please do not drop off donations in the drop box.

    Some items, like eReaders, big books, American Girl Doll Kits, and hotspots, may not be returned in the book drop (fees apply to items placed in the drop that should not be). Items that must be returned in-house will be labeled.

    If you are not sure if an item can be placed in the drop, please ask a staff member when checking out.

  • What do I do if I lost an item from the library?

    Contact the library in person, by phone (610-828-0441), or by emailing the Circulation Manager, Karen Wilton, at kwilton@mclinc.org.

    Staff will work with you to make sure you have looked everywhere for the lost item.

    If you are 100% sure the item is lost (left on a plane traveling on vacation!), staff will inform you of the cost for replacement. Materials owned by other MCLINC Libraries may also include a $3.00-$10.00 processing fee in addition to the replacement cost.

    We respectfully ask that you do not replace the item yourself. Not all books, DVD’s, CD’s, etc. are the same even if the title is.

  • Does the Library offer books for the blind or physically handicapped?

    The library has large print books and books on CD. You can also download audiobooks and magazines from the library website by clicking HERE.

    Materials are available in large print, cassette, and braille from the Free Library of Philadelphia for the blind and physically handicapped.

    For more information about these specialized books, please call the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Free Library of Philadelphia at 215-683-3213 or toll-free at 800-222-1754.


  • What is Connecting Exceptional People?

    Connecting Exceptional People (CEP) is a component of the library that provides services and resources to people with disabilities and their care givers.

    CEP programs include monthly socials, technology training, online and print resources, and support.

    CEP will continue to grow.

    Current partners include Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation, Palooza Activity Center, Inc., and Autism Cares Foundation.

    Sponsors include Tonelli’s Takeout and Kona Ice.

  • Can my group schedule a meeting room?

    Yes. We have two different meeting rooms that can be reserved on a first come first serve basis.

    Details, such as capacity, fees (if applicable), and room-use policy are all provided in the application.

    The large meeting room is hearing loop accessible.
    Click HERE for the meeting room policy and application.

  • How do I get to the library?

    Please see the map on our contact page.

    If further directions are needed, please call the library (610) 828-0441 or click Google Maps for directions.

  • How can I volunteer at the library?

    We are currently not accepting volunteers at the library.

  • Where can I get a copy of the library's policies?

    Most of the library’s policies can be found by clicking here.

    If you do not see the policy you are looking for, please stop in and ask, call us (610.828.0441) or email us at jeanesinfo@mclinc.org.


  • Who are the Friends of the Library?

    The Friends of the William Jeanes Memorial Library is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to support and promote the library.

    Like Friend’s groups all over the country, they are volunteers from the community who value the services and programs of the library.

    To learn more about the Friends, how to become a Friend, volunteer, and support the Friends click here.


  • May I donate a book in someone's name?

    The Library has a Memorial Books donation program, where you may donate money for an item to be added to the Collection in someone’s honor. The minimum donation is $25, cash or check. Please click here for more information.