Thursday, February 6th, 2025
10:15 am — 10:45 am
Community Room
4:30 pm — 6:00 pm
There are no events today.
6:30 pm — 7:30 pm
The township appropriation to WJML pays for our beautiful building, grounds, and our dedicated, friendly, and helpful staff. It is the staff that is the Library’s greatest asset. They are the ones who provide the innovative and traditional services and resources that make WJML the Library you want to come to and support.
Your gifts to the Library, no matter how large or small, ensure that we are able to develop the programs and resources that support early childhood literacy and life long learning, job hunting and resume writing, skills development, entrepreneurship, technology assistance, services for persons with disabilities, financial literacy, civic engagement, cultural and plain-old-fun programming, and so much more.
From large gifts to our endowment to bequests to donations to our Annual Appeal, every gift is vital to our continued success. Tax-deductible contributions help us buy new books, host thought-provoking and fun events, and continue to provide innovative library services.
British author Augustine Birrell said it well: “Libraries are not made, they grow.” You can help the Library grow by donating online or contact the Director, Lisa Clancy by email ( or phone 610-828-0441 x 108.
The Library also welcomes tribute gifts to celebrate, honor, or memorialize a family member, friend, or other loved one. The librarians can suggest choices that reflect your preferences and complement the collection. The Library will insert a commemorative bookplate into each item. Donors can specify an inscription for the bookplate. You can access the Tribute form here or contact the Director, Lisa Clancy, by phone or email ( for more information.
To make a gift IN MEMORY or IN HONOR of someone, click HERE. Under “Type of Tribute” you will have a choice–Memory (for someone who has passed away), or Honor (for someone living.)
In both cases, you will have the option to have the honoree or a member of their family notified, if you wish.
Some Library patrons have found donating books to the Friends book sales to be a gratifying way to make a gift. Your donation of books to the book sales also helps us to grow our programs, technological services, and resources. Please see the FRIENDS’ page here for details on what type of materials they accept, which donations they cannot accept, and when to drop off your books.
Many employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Please contact your employer’s human resources department to request the matching gift form, and forward it to the Library Director.
One of the most enduring gifts is a bequest through your will, life insurance, or trust. Donations such as these create a legacy that demonstrates a commitment to public library access. For more information on making a bequest please contact the Director, Lisa Clancy via phone 610.828.0441 x108 or email (
The Library always welcomes contributions of time and talent. Please visit our Volunteer Information page to learn more.
Sketchbook Sessions For teens who love to draw! Just drop in Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.
Stitching social Sat 1-3: Just drop in!
Coding with Python Thurs @ 6pm, ONLINE for gr 5-8
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Out of an abundance of caution for staff and patrons, the Library will open to the public at 12 noon on Thursday 2/6.
The situation is evolving, so please check back for updates before heading over Thursday afternoon.
All morning programs and meetings are canceled. Please do not leave any Library materials outside or on the ground.
Stay safe and warm!