Pre-recorded Storytimes & More

Stay connected to the Library through Virtual Storytimes! Use the following links for a variety of storytimes and readalouds with Ms. Rachel, as well as content from other librarians throughout the county on YouTube! Click on the headings below to view videos!

Anti-Racism Readings
Now more than ever, it’s crucial for children to understand the importance of being anti-racist. While there are far fewer books to choose from on this topic, we will highlight what we can, and hope to see more and more published every year. Don’t be afraid to talk with your children about the hard things. Picture books are a useful way to begin conversations.

May Readings: An Eclectic Collection of Picture Books
May is National Lots-of-Different-Things Month! Throughout May, Ms. Rachel reads a variety of books featuring many of the things observed and celebrated in this month. From Ramadan to strawberries and everything in between, you’re sure to find one you’ll appreciate.

Poetry Month Readings
In celebration of National Poetry Month, Ms. Rachel is reading a variety of poems throughout the month. We’ll enjoy silly poems, serious poems, long poems, short poems, poems of all types by people of all ages from all around the world. 

Women’s History Month Stories
In celebration of Women’s History Month, Ms. Rachel read a variety of diverse picture book biographies featuring some incredible women throughout history! Women’s History Month might be over, but any day is a good day to learn about a phenomenal historical female! 

Rainbow Reads with Ms. Rachel
Join Ms. Rachel for a new monthly program featuring LGBTQ+ positive picture books. Enjoy stories featuring a diverse cast of LGBTQ+ characters. Designed for older preschoolers and younger elementary schoolers from all different types of families!

Babes & Books Storytimes
Babies up to about 18 months and their caregivers are invited to enjoy twenty minutes of songs, movement, stories, and more. Before tuning in, feel free to grab something to use as a scarf, something to use as a shaker, and bubbles if you have them!

Preschool Sensory Storytimes
This storytime is designed for children ages 3 and up and their families/caregivers. All children ages 3 and up are invited to tune in, including those with sensory integration disorders and autism spectrum disorders! Join Ms. Rachel for stories, music, and more! We wish we could enjoy a sensory activity together as well, but since we can’t, perhaps you can try a sensory activity at home! Before tuning in, feel free to grab something to use as a scarf, something to use as a shaker, and bubbles if you have them!

Pajama Storytime
Put on your pajamas and tune in with the whole family to enjoy a special evening storytime with Ms. Rachel, for families with children through age 7. Gather pillows, blankets, loveys, and stuffed friends if you’d like! Before tuning in, feel free to grab something to use as a scarf, something to use as a shaker, and bubbles if you have them!

“The Wild Robot” by Peter Brown
Gather ’round for read aloud sessions with Ms. Rachel, and meet Roz the Robot! When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. Why is she there? Where did she come from? And, most important, how will she survive in her harsh surroundings? Roz’s only hope is to learn from the island’s hostile animal inhabitants. When she tries to care for an orphaned gosling, the other animals finally decide to help, and the island starts to feel like home. Until one day, the robot’s mysterious past comes back to haunt her…

Storytimes and Activities from Librarians throughout MontCo
created by youth services staff from several libraries, featuring storytimes for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers as well as activity/how-to vlogs for older kids. Check it out!






We'll be closing early this evening so that staff and patrons may travel safely ahead of the storm.

Please call the Library or visit the website Wednesday morning before heading over.


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