Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
10:15 am — 11:15 am
Community Room
11:15 am — 11:45 am
There are no events today.
1:00 pm — 2:00 pm
Board Room
The mission of the William Jeanes Memorial Library is to be a resource center that serves the diverse and changing needs of the community by providing materials, programs, and services for education, enrichment, and enjoyment.
The William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning provides public library services to the 17,000 residents of Whitemarsh Township. Neighbors from other communities are welcome to enjoy our rich array of programs and the ever-changing collection.
Service will not be denied to anyone who visits the library (on site, by phone, or virtually) because of religious, racial, social, economic or political status, disability, age, or sexual orientation.
Library users must respect the rights of others and may not harass or annoy others or behave in a manner that reasonably could be expected to disturb other persons. Library users may not engage in disruptive/destructive behavior that interferes with the use of the library by other persons or that interferes with a library employee’s performance of his or her duties.
To help us provide a welcoming environment for all, please note the following when you are in the Library:
Note: In order to properly complete your library card application, please try to apply at least 15 minutes before the posted closing time.
Note: Peanut or other food allergens may be present in the Library. Parents of minors with allergies shall monitor their children at all times.
In most cases of inappropriate behavior a verbal warning will be given by a member of the Library staff. If the behavior continues, the patron may be asked to leave the Library.
Please abide by this policy. Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff and/or Whitemarsh Township police will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors.
Revoking Library Access
Failure to comply with the Library’s established rules and policies could result in removal from the premises and expulsion from the Library for a period of one day or longer. The Library Director may deny access for a period of up to one year or permanently for any violation that significantly disrupts the operation of the library or significantly interferes with a patron’s or patrons’ right(s) to use the library. The Library Director has the right to ban anyone from the library who defies this policy. Illegal activities will be reported to the Whitemarsh Township Police Department.
Before denying access to any person, the Director shall inform the person of the reason and period of time he or she is being denied access, and give the person a reasonable opportunity to state his or her response to the proposed denial.
The Director shall confirm the denial by written notice to the person. A note will be placed in the patron’s record.
A person denied access may appeal to the Director within five (5) days of the date of notice. If the Director affirms the decision to deny access, the person denied such access may appeal the denial in writing to the Library Board, c/o 4051 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hill, PA 19454, within ten (10) days of the date of notice. The appeal shall state the reasons why access to the library should not be denied.
An appeal to the Library’s Board of Directors shall not stay the Director’s denial. The Board of Directors may affirm, modify, or reverse the Director’s denial. A person who has been denied access permanently may re-apply to the Board of Directors for access after a period of one year. The petition shall set forth the reasons the person believes reinstatement is justified.
The Board of Directors may deny, grant, or grant with conditions the petition for reinstatement.
The Library as a Meeting Space:
Tables are provided in the Library for small group work. The Community Room in the Children’s area and the Board Room are for library events or meetings. The Board Room, if not in use, may be used as a quiet room. Under some circumstances, library staff has the right to open the Community Room to patrons during hours when the Library is crowded. This decision may only be made by a staff member who is available to supervise the room.
Please see our Meeting Room Use Policy here.
A Note about Children:
For children, the library can be an exciting place of discovery and fun. You can help us make it a safe one, too, by doing the following:
Please see our Young Children Policy here.
Revision approved by the William Jeanes Memorial Library Board of Directors 5/30/17
Sketchbook Sessions For teens who love to draw! Just drop in Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.
Stitching social Sat 1-3: Just drop in!
Coding with Python Thurs @ 6pm, ONLINE for gr 5-8
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We'll be closing early this evening so that staff and patrons may travel safely ahead of the storm.
Please call the Library or visit the website Wednesday morning before heading over.