Saturday, February 15th, 2025
10:30 am — 5:00 pm
Community Room
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Your LIBRARY CARD opens up a world of opportunity. Use it to check out materials from the library’s collection, to request materials from other libraries or to utilize the library’s virtual services, such as downloadable audiobooks and the PA Power Library databases. You can also use it at any MCLINC (Montgomery County Library and Information Network Consortium) and Access PA libraries.
Any resident of Whitemarsh Township is eligible to register for a free library borrower’s card, renewable every 3 years. The library will require identification with the name & current mailing address of the applicant for new registration & renewals. Examples of acceptable forms of identification are: driver’s license, government identification, utility bill, lease, and property tax bill or bank statement.
Cardholders are responsible for all materials checked out on their cards, including overdue fines & fees for loss or damage. Failure to return materials & outstanding fines of $10 or more may result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
Those under 18 may obtain a library card with the signature of a parent/guardian who will be financially responsible for any materials borrowed on the youth’s card.
The Library will also accept any library card with an Access PA sticker for those patrons living outside of Montgomery County.
Most books (child, teen, and adult): 3 weeks New adult books: 3 weeks Hot Reads-Books: 2 weeks, no renewals Music CDs: 3 weeks Spoken word CDs and Children’s Kits with CDs: 3 weeks Playaways: 3 weeks Magazines: 1 weeks (current month does not circulate) DVDs and Blu-Rays: 1 week for new titles; 3 weeks for all other titles In-Demand DVDs: 3 days; 1 per card Video Games: 3 weeks Grab & Go Bags: 3 weeks American Girl Dolls: 2 weeks, no renewals; 1 per card Adventure Packs: 2 weeks Museum Passes: 3 days, no renewals, 1 per household Book Club in a Bag: 6 weeks, no renewal Nook & Kindle E-readers: 3 weeks Hotspots: 2 weeks, no renewals Ukuleles: 3 weeks, no renewals
Most items may be renewed for 2 additional loan periods unless they have been reserved by another patron. Renew in person, by phone or email during library business hours, or through the Library’s website. Phone renewals require a library card number, verification of the contact information associated with the account, and/or the titles or barcodes of the items to be renewed. To renew online, patrons must have a valid library card and password to log in.
Automatic Renewals: The William Jeanes Memorial Library will automatically renew eligible materials that are checked out on your library account three days prior to the due date. If successful, your loan period will be extended for 21 days from the existing due date, so you will get another full loan period. This will only apply to our materials and any other MCLINC libraries that currently offer automatic renewal.
An item will not automatically renew if:
The William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning is proud to be fine-free for WJM-owned books, CDs, DVDs, and magazines!
All Books: Fine-Free Audiobooks: Fine-Free Music CDs: Fine-Free DVDs: Fine-Free Adult Magazines: Fine-Free Playaways: Fine-Free Video Games: Fine-Free Board Games: $.15 Grab & Go Bags, American Girl Dolls, Ukeleles, Book Club in a Bag, Lawn Games, & Adventure Packs: $5.00 Museum Passes: $5.00/day ($5.00 fee if returned to another library) Nook & Kindle E-readers & Hotspots: $5.00 ($25.00 fee if dropped in the book drop box)
Patrons who provide the library with an email address will receive a due date reminder 3 days before the materials are due. Otherwise, a notice will be sent after library material is one week late. If the material is not returned within two weeks, a second notice will be sent by email or mail. Bills will be issued when an item is 5 weeks late, and will include the cost of replacing each item. Patrons who have been sent a bill will be denied borrowing privileges until those materials are either returned and the related overdue fines are paid, or the replacement cost for the lost/damaged materials are paid.
Under Pennsylvania law, 18 Pa.C.S.A § 6709, it is a summary offense to retain library property after being notified to return it. In the event of theft or retention of library materials after notice to return, the Library will release to the appropriate law enforcement officers, court officers or collection agencies the relevant patron records, including the name and address of the person committing the offense and a list of materials stolen or retained with the replacement costs.
Retail price of item. Replacement copies will not be accepted in lieu of fees.
Additional fees for lost /damaged packaging, labeling, or items may apply.
Photocopies & Printouts B&W (8.5×11) 15¢/each B&W (8.5×14 & 11×17) 30¢/each Color (8.5×11) 50¢/each Color (8.5×14, 11×17) $1.00/each
Materials borrowed from the William Jeanes Memorial Library may be returned to the other MCLINC libraries. Patrons may also return materials to other participating Pennsylvania Access libraries (except where load restrictions prohibit), but the cardholder to whom the items are charged is responsible for materials until they are actually in the possession of the library. The patron is responsible for any overdue charges that might accrue while in transit from any libraries outside of the county.
All fines and fees are subject to change.
Sketchbook Sessions For teens who love to draw! Just drop in Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.
Stitching social Sat 1-3: Just drop in!
Coding with Python Thurs @ 6pm, ONLINE for gr 5-8
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