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Sunday, September 8th, 2024
1:30 pm — 2:30 pm
Board Room and throughout Upstairs Library
The mission of the William Jeanes Memorial Library is to be a resource center that serves the diverse and changing needs of the community by providing materials, programs and services for education, enrichment and enjoyment.
The William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning provides psublic library services to the 17,000 residents of Whitemarsh Township. Neighbors from surrounding communities are welcome to enjoy our rich array of programs and the ever-changing collection.
The library is governed by a seven-member board of directors, of which four are appointed by the Whitemarsh Township Board of Supervisors, and three are self-appointed. All appointments are for a term of three years, unless a new ember is completing the unexpired term of a former board member. The size of the board is defined by Pennsylvania’s public library code. The current list of board members is available here.
The library director is appointed by the governing board, and guides a staff of full- and part-time employees. You can view the staff list here.
Supplementing this group are dozens of dedicated volunteers, including local teens, retirees, and gardening enthusiasts. The library welcomes volunteers into each of its departments, and the volunteer coordinator will match your skills and interests with available tasks. Learn more about volunteer opportunities here.
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Drumstick pastrami bresaola chuck, capicola andouille kevin fatback boudin shank sirloin meatball alcatra. Pancetta turkey drumstick fatback ham hock filet mignon tail ribeye pork turducken sirloin jerky strip steak. Tongue capicola chicken shoulder, ham hock spare ribs ham beef ribs tenderloin tri-tip porchetta turkey frankfurter corned beef. Strip steak salami andouille boudin, shankle pig cow pastrami porchetta drumstick ground round spare ribs t-bone beef ribs venison. Tenderloin sausage cupim frankfurter alcatra salami flank pork loin hamburger tail filet mignon. Pork chop turducken ribeye, andouille bacon boudin cow landjaeger pork jowl pig chuck leberkas picanha.
Drumstick pastrami bresaola chuck, capicola andouille kevin fatback boudin shank sirloin meatball alcatra. Pancetta turkey drumstick fatback ham hock filet mignon tail ribeye pork turducken sirloin jerky strip steak. Tongue capicola chicken shoulder, ham hock spare ribs ham beef ribs tenderloin tri-tip porchetta turkey frankfurter corned beef. Strip steak salami andouille boudin, shankle pig cow pastrami porchetta drumstick ground round spare ribs t-bone beef ribs venison. Tenderloin sausage cupim frankfurter alcatra salami flank pork loin hamburger tail filet mignon. Pork chop turducken ribeye, andouille bacon boudin cow landjaeger pork jowl pig chuck leberkas picanha.Drumstick pastrami bresaola chuck, capicola andouille kevin fatback boudin shank sirloin meatball alcatra. Pancetta turkey drumstick fatback ham hock filet mignon tail ribeye pork turducken sirloin jerky strip steak. Tongue capicola chicken shoulder, ham hock spare ribs ham beef ribs tenderloin tri-tip porchetta turkey frankfurter corned beef. Strip steak salami andouille boudin, shankle pig cow pastrami porchetta drumstick ground round spare ribs t-bone beef ribs venison. Tenderloin sausage cupim frankfurter alcatra salami flank pork loin hamburger tail filet mignon. Pork chop turducken ribeye, andouille bacon boudin cow landjaeger pork jowl pig chuck leberkas picanha
this image has the class “bleed-right” applied to it
doner flank rump. Kielbasa brisket alcatra, rump shank short loin shoulder spare ribs sausage prosciutto tenderloin. Doner filet mignon salami ball tip pork belly ground round hamburger pig swine t-bone jerky. Landjaeger prosciutto capicola picanha, frankfurter tail cow pork belly bresaola leberkas. Tenderloin tri-tip capicola cow andouille biltong turducken ham hock pig fatback tongue.
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