We’re counting down to the end of our 90th year, and our final ALL-AGES event is a Short Story Contest!

A REALLY short, like very, VERY short (tiny?) story contest! Think 90 words or so. Can you do it?

Click HERE to enter online, or pick up a entry form at either Check-Out Desk.

Or download the entry form here: WJM Short Story Contest 2023-entry form

Submit online or return completed forms to the Reference Desk (upstairs.)

But act fast, you only have until the end of day on December 15th to get your entry in.

We’ll share the stories and ask the community to vote on them.

We’ll give a genuine Moleskine Classic notebook (the kind all the famous writers use!) to a winner in each age group (0-11, 12-18, 19 and up), and the Overall Favorite will win a Kindle Paperwhite!

Need inspiration?



All prizes are courtesy of the Nancy Corson Writing Fund of the Friends of the William Jeanes Memorial Library.