After a careful review, the Library will be returning to CURBSIDE ONLY service beginning Tuesday, December 1st, and lasting through December at least.
The building will not be open to the public during this time.
We are joining a growing list of libraries in the county moving in this direction.
We believe this is the safest way we will be able to continue providing materials to the community during this time.


  • We will add an additional afternoon pick-up slot four days a week, Monday through Thursday, to fit in everyone who wishes to use this service.


  • While we will try to accommodate same-day requests, we appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice where possible.
  • Due to limited staff and supplies, we ask that all patrons limit themselves to one pick-up appointment per household per week. We will not send anything back until you’ve had at least a week to pick it up.
  • When an item you have requested becomes available for you, you will receive an email or text notice, which will include the link to schedule your pick-up yourself 24/7. You will need to fill out every field each time in order to receive your confirmation.
  • If you receive multiple notifications before your scheduled time, there is no need to schedule multiple appointments.
  • If you receive your notifications by phone, you may call the Library to schedule your pick-up: 610-828-0441 x 2 or email us at Again, same-day appointments may not be available, and we appreciate a day’s notice.
  • If there is an item you are looking for, and it’s in the Library’s collection, please call us so we can schedule a curbside pick-up for you: 610-828-0441 x 2 or email us at


  • All items will be checked out to you in advance and placed in a bag at curbside. The bag will be labeled with the first 3 letters of your last name, your first initial, and the last 4 digits of your library card. To avoid confusion, please double check all 3 pieces of information before taking your bag. While you are a unique individual, your initials may not be!
  • We will include the due-date receipt in every bag. The due date may be different for different items.
  • We appreciate you honoring your specific pick-up appointment day/time! We understand that things happen, though, so if you know you will miss your scheduled time, please contact us to reschedule.
  • In the event of windy or inclement weather, the pick-up tables will be in the vestibule at the front doors. We ask that only one patron enter at a time, and everyone must be masked.
  • Please don’t come to the Library for a pick-up without a confirmed appointment. If you schedule online, you will receive confirmation of your appointment automatically. For everyone’s safety, the Library staff will not bring items out to you, if you don’t have an appointment.
Thank you for understanding the process and procedures we have put in place to keep everyone safe!


We'll be closing early this evening so that staff and patrons may travel safely ahead of the storm.

Please call the Library or visit the website Wednesday morning before heading over.


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