As of early 2021, the William Jeanes Memorial Library is pleased to offer Auto-Renewal on any eligible WJN-owned item. Check the barcode on your item to see if it says WILLIAM JEANES on it, then read below to see how and when this new service may apply.
1)      What is Auto-Renewal?
William Jeanes’ items that are eligible for a renewal, will automatically renew on the original due date, if there are no Requests for that title, and if there are Renewals left (most items have 2 Renewals.) Patrons will be notified if an item auto-renewed 3 days prior to the original due date.
2)      How long is the item renewed for?
Each Renewal is for the full-length of the original check-out period. If an item checked out for 3 weeks, each Renewal will be for 3 weeks, if only 1 week, then it is renewed for 1 more week.
3)      How will I know if my item has been Auto-Renewed?
The same email notification that tells you your items are about to be due will include an extra section now, indicating which have been Renewed and the new due date for that specific item. Note: Not all items may be renewed, and due dates will vary.
4)      Why did only some of my items auto-renew?
Only WJN items are subject to auto-renewal. You may have items checked out from other libraries. Or you may have an item that is very popular right now, and someone else has requested it. Or you may have reached the maximum number of renewals for that item. It’s also possible that the item may not have renewals on it; for example, our In Demand dvds, Museum Passes, pre-loaded Kindles, and American Girl Dolls are not eligible for a renewal.5)      Why did WJN do this?
Auto-renewal helps patrons retain material they are not finished with, by eliminating the need to call the Library or go online to renew. Patrons with email notification enabled on their account will know 3 days before the due date whether they have to return the material right away or not.6)      How can I get the notifications?
Patrons with email or text ability are able to receive automatic notifications. This includes check-out receipts, due-date reminders, Hold pick-up notifications, overdue notices, and auto-renewal notifications. Please contact the Library at 610-828-0441 x2, or to change your notification status.7)      I receive phone notices. Will my materials still be auto-renewed?
Yes, but you won’t know the new due date or if the item couldn’t be renewed without checking your account online here ( or calling the Library.8)      Will this make waitlists longer?
No. If an item has been requested by another patron, the item will not be auto-renewed; it will still be due on its original due date, and any overdue fines will still apply.

9)      What if someone places a Request for the same item after it’s been auto-renewed?
The renewed due date will still apply. The catalog will simply go look for another copy elsewhere. If this item is the only copy in the whole MCLINC consortium, a Hold will be applied and another renewal will not happen.

10)     When does this go into effect?
The Library began auto-renewal on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.

11)     I use several nearby libraries/I am not a William Jeanes cardholder. Will my items still auto-renew?
At the moment, only William Jeanes Memorial Library items will be eligible for auto-renewal, regardless of the patron’s home library. We are the pilot library for this program, though we know other libraries in the county are interested. Stay tuned for updates.

12)     Why this, why now?
You may remember that the William Jeanes Memorial Library tried this before, several years ago. There were problems with the service that we couldn’t work around, but the Library Staff and Board remain committed to delivering the best service possible for our community. In light of all of the challenges our patrons have had in the past year, we felt this was an important change to make to our Circulation Policy, in order to support our community. We are so excited to be the first library in Montgomery County to bring this new and improved service to you. We hope this makes the borrowing and returning of Library materials easier for you, and we look forward to your feedback!


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