Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
10:15 am — 11:15 am
Community Room
11:15 am — 11:45 am
1:15 pm — 1:45 pm
4:30 pm — 6:00 pm
Board Room
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For thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans in North America the Lenape (Delaware) thrived on the land where we now live. While William Penn is a heroic figure in school books about Pennsylvania history, colonization by Quakers and other Europeans had a direct impact in removing the Lenape from this land. This talk will present some of that history as well as the work of Quakers today to support Indigenous peoples. A resource list of books and websites will be available to help you discover more.
Lois Kuter is a member of the Plymouth Friends Meeting where she has been part of a group to develop right relationships with Indigenous Peoples. She has been active for 30 years with the Indian Committee (Granting group for Indigenous Communities) of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends.
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