Thursday, February 13th, 2025
10:15 am — 10:45 am
Community Room
4:30 pm — 6:00 pm
Board Room
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6:30 pm — 7:30 pm
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Colored Pencil Seasonal Citrus and Cinnamon Drawing
Participants will create this seasonal illustration using colored pencils.
Instructor: Anita Thompson, ARTVenture Workshops (more info HERE.)
Supply kits will be available for LOCAL PICKUP to the first 25 people who request one. Indicate on the registration form if you want one, and you will be notified if one is available and when it can be picked up. PLEASE only request a kit if you will pick it up–they require time and money to prepare, and there is always a waitlist for a supply kit. Thank you for understanding.
If you wish to use your own supplies:
Colored Pencil Citrus and Cinnamon Drawing Supply List
Register here:
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