Children’s Collection

Book Collection

The following books are usually shelved alphabetically by author’s last name.

  • “E” lit. Books (Little Books)
    Small sized books for very young children and includes many board books.
  • “E.R.” Books (Easy Readers)
    Generally books with larger print with vocabulary for beginning readers through the 2nd grade reading level.
  • “E” Books (Easy Books)
    Generally for children up to 3rd grade but also enjoyed by older readers.
  • “E” Folk and Fairy Tales
    Picture book folktales and fairytales, and Mother Goose rhymes for younger children (E398)
  • “E” Holiday Books
    Picture books (both fiction and non-fiction) with special holiday themes. Holidays include Jewish Holidays, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. )
  • “BIG” Books
    Supersized books made especially for sharing with larger groups of children.
  • “PT” Items (Parent-teacher Collection)
    Books and some audiovisuals to help adults in their role of caregivers of children. Green circular stickers identify these items.

Computer Services

  • Educational games on self-contained (non-internet) computers
  • Internet access

Juvenile Audio-Visual Collection

  • Books and kits that include stories, songs, and foreign language instructional material
  • CDs of music and books
  • Books and CD kits
  • Playaways:  Easy to use audio books
  • DVDs



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