90th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser – May 20, 2023 – Sponsorship and Raffles

Spring 2023

Dear Library Supporter,

The William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning is holding a special 90th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

The Librarian’s Diary from April 1933 reads:

“Opening of the Wm. Jeanes Memorial Library in one room of the Wm. Ambler house on Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting–with Miss Inez Crandle, who had come from Evansville, Indiana to be Librarian. 958 books were available on the shelves–almost all donations.”

From that one-room start to our current 17,000 square foot building, with over 50,000 items on the shelves, we’ve come a long way in 90 years, and we’re ready to celebrate! We’re hosting this special evening at the beautiful Highlands Mansion and gardens in Whitemarsh Township, and featuring the popular Raffle Baskets. The goals of our Raffle fundraiser are modest, but the benefit of having your name in front of all of these members of the community, plus throughout the summer as a Sponsor, is enormous! The Library welcomed twice the number of visitors last year over the previous year, and we’re on trend to exceed that this year.

This year, we’re raising funds specifically to improve our electronic resources. During the pandemic, use of these special platforms and services grew exponentially, and while the return to browsing and in-person programming has been welcomed by our community, they have continued to draw on the convenience and accessibility of our online materials and databases.

As an independent 501(c) non-profit, the Library is dependent on fundraising to meet our current goals and set new ones.

Our Raffle Basket Fundraiser last spring was very successful—with an almost 20% increase in raffle ticket purchases over the previous event. We hope that whether you have supported us in the past or are new to this community-wide event, you will participate in one of the two following ways:

  • Becoming an Event Sponsor
  • Contributing a basket for our Raffle

We encourage you to review the enclosed form and select a sponsorship opportunity to demonstrate your support of the Library and its mission to be “a resource center which serves the diverse and changing needs of the community by providing materials, programs, and services for education, enrichment, and enjoyment.”

On behalf of the William Jeanes Memorial Library Board of Directors and the Fundraising Committee, thank you for your consideration and support.

Lisa A. Clancy, MLS


610-828-0441  lclancy@mclinc.org


Thank you for your support of our ongoing mission to be a resource center that serves the diverse and changing needs of the community by providing materials, programs and services for education, enrichment and enjoyment. There are many ways to support our efforts: Sponsorship and/or Raffle donation.


Yes, I/we would like to sponsor the Library’s 90th Anniversary Celebration in May.

Please check desired sponsorship level:

□  Bestseller @ $5,000—Event sponsor; name and logo throughout the event and PR; top of Sponsor Board at event entrance; website homepage and newsletter listing through summer 2023; Nameplate in New bestseller; 2 tickets to event.

□  Classic @ $2,500—Wine sponsor; name and logo throughout the event and PR; prominent placement on Sponsor Board at event entrance; website and newsletter listing through summer 2023; Nameplate in New bestseller; 2 tickets to event.

□  Fiction @ $1,000—Tasting Station sponsor; name and logo with food throughout event and PR; prominent placement on Sponsor Board at event entrance; website listing through summer 2023; Nameplate in New bestseller; 2 tickets to event.

□  Poetry @ $500—Music sponsor at event; name and logo on Sponsor Board at event entrance; website listing through June 2023; Nameplate in New bestseller.

□  Mystery @ $250—Table sponsor at event; name and logo on Sponsor Board at event entrance; website listing through June 2023; Nameplate in New bestseller.

□  Romance @ $100—Name and logo on Sponsor Board at event; website listing through June 2023.

Please fill out the information on the attached form, and return with your check by Friday, April 21. Contact us at jeanesinfo@mclinc.org with questions.



Would you or your group—from a local organization to your home book club—consider contributing a basket or large NEW item for our Raffle? (Value of at least $50.) In the past we have had raffle items of everything from original art to handmade crafts, local restaurant and small business gift certificates, to tours and personal services. Baskets or items should be delivered to the Library by 4/21/23. Please contact Lisa Clancy at the number below if you would like to donate a basket, or the funds to cover one. We are happy to offer thematic suggestions if needed!

Our Tax-Exempt Certificate is available upon request. A letter acknowledging all donations will be sent after the event.

Please download and complete the attached form and return it with your sponsorship check or Raffle donation.

WJM 90th Anniversary Celebration sponsorship-raffle packet

For our Sponsor Board, the deadline is 4/21/23. Send logos (jpeg or pdf) to tbalcer@mclinc.org

Questions? Call the Director, Lisa Clancy at 610-828-0441 ext. 108, or email lclancy@mclinc.org 



Out of an abundance of caution for staff and patrons, the Library will open to the public at 12 noon on Thursday 2/6.

The situation is evolving, so please check back for updates before heading over Thursday afternoon.

All morning programs and meetings are canceled. Please do not leave any Library materials outside or on the ground.

Stay safe and warm!

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